Thursday, November 29, 2012

Barbecueing vs Grilling

Ever wondered what would be healthier barbecuing or on a grill outside?
What is the difference? click here to take a look.

Here are some of the differences:

Which is healthier?

Both require to cook on an open fire 
Both require a set amount of time.
Both can use a various amount of seasonings
One requires actual fire wood while the other needs liquid smoke flavor.

Grilling requires high heat while on the flip side barbecuing is a slow low heat process. 

I personally like to barbecue just because I like to use smoke flavor and the fat just melts right of the meat.
But then again that's just me.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Weight loss foods

Have you ever tried a diet plan that just didn't want to work?

Ever find that you just don't have time to exercise those pounds away?

Have you ever taken pills or supplements to try and loss weight?

Here's a new solution :


The revolutionary new way to loss weight while still being able to eat anything that you want.

Its very simple to do just sprinkle it on the food you want to eat and it goes right to work while you eat.

Created by Dr. Alan Hirsch. During his study of 1436 women and men; who had sprinkled the Sensa on everything they ate during a 6 month period and they lost an average of 30.5 pounds.

So that is what it does lets see how it works and how easy it is to use.

Here's a little story on how it works.

And its not that hard to obtain; For example Costco sells it for 41.99. Or if you feel like trying your luck through the infomercial you can just pay a monthly payment of $9.99.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Grilling vs Stove top cooking

Which is better grilling or stove top? That's the question that most people in my family ask.


For both parties there are both conveniences and inconveniences.

First the conveniences:

Flavor; Grilling can be add a smoke flavor to your food; where stove top cooking is not possible to do unless you use liquid smoke, but the flavor doesn't stay intact for very long unless you let the food soak in the liquid smoke overnight.

Health; Cooking either on  a grill or stove top can be both healthy and unhealthy for the individual. By unhealthy I mean, cooking at a high temperature; where there is a chance of acquiring Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). To avoid the said diseases cook at a relevantly low temperature on either of the stove top or an out-grill.

Finally the inconveniences:

Weather; an outdoor grill can be best used during a sunny day or a time when there is no rain. A stove top can be used at the persons leisure.

Power supply; an outdoor grill for the most part are gas or wood powered; therefore no need for electricity and can be used during a blackout. A stove top for the most part are electrical. There are some stove tops that are propane powered but there are not many of them.

Cooking ware; a grill doesn't require any pots or pans to cook on. The stove top does require pots and pans to cook on; that translates more things to carry.